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The Only Way is…?


Someone seriously needs to educate me quick. The amount of times i’ve mistaken counties for countries, ”Barcelonas IN Spain then?!” thought Wales was Ireland, and Torquay was a foreign country is insane. I only realised the other day how basic my knowledge is of the world around me, my general headless chicken-ness and my pretty pathetically non-existant sense of direction. I realised that my sense of left and right gets obscured by which way im standing, and how much I still rely on using the ‘L’ on my left hand to figure out which way to go.., and my lack of knowledge of what the hell is down the left hand street at the top of my road.

where is Landan..?

The honest truth is, my knowledge of Liverpool and Leeds is based upon where my most visited shops and bars are, so much so, that when i’m trying to find a location, people have to resort to telling me the directions starting from Topshop. Needless to say, I have to give myself a hefty time allowance when setting off for an interview, in the very likely chance i won’t remember how to find it. It’s got so bad that when meeting new people and finding out where they’re from, i just don’t ask anymore. Here is a typical reply: ”i live about about 2km away from Manchester” – all good. Nice clean answer there. However, this means absolutely nothing to me. As a result this leads me to lose any autonomy in this new conversation which is still at an infant stage, and perceptions of one another have not been established yet. I end up staring with a blank gormless face, and cluelessly ask ”how long does it take to get there in the car then…?”.

Universitys been a big step for me already, as before venturing out to that exotic place that is Liverpool, i used to get Manchester and Menston mixed up – i should mention that Menston was about 10 minutes away from my house, whereas Manchester was an hour away…in a car. Irish, Geordie and Scottish accents were all the same to me. My logic was, they just didn’t talk like me, so they weren’t from Leeds. Pretty smart eh.